July 8, 2016 Off By Apart-Hotel Rincón d'Olón Team

National & Local Holidays in Ecuador

In Ecuador, there are many National & Local Holidays of Importance.

We try to give you a list of all of these, applicable to the Coastal Region of Ecuador & Olon. Pricing and Availability on these dates might be different than normal days.

Please contact us for details or see our Availability & Pricing on our site, or on the different websites and booking platforms we use.

Apart from these special days, there is a High-Season and a Low-Season with Special Discounts!

If you can visit us in the Low Season, please do so! We're extra happy to receive guests in those periods and will give you a big discount, especially for longer stays! You will enjoy the added benefit of more privacy, Tranquility and Relaxation!


April, May & June


September, October & November


December, January, February & March
(Coastal Vacation Period & Expats Overwintering)

July & August
(Andes Vacation Period, EU & US Holidays & Whale Watching)

Big (International) Holidays 2018-2019

(28/10/2018 - 05/11/2018)

New Years
(27/12/2018 - 04/01/2019)

(27/02/2019 - 06/03/2018)

(17/04/2018 - 25/04/2018)

Smaller / Local Holidays 2018-2019

International Workers' Day

Battle of Pichincha
25/05 - 01/06

Foundation of Guayaquil
21/07 - 28/07

First Cry for Independence
09/08 - 16/08

Independence of Guayaquil
06/10 - 13/10